Sunday, January 17, 2010

First Blog Post!

Hello, Hello! So...This is my very first blog post & I am so excited! I can't wait to dive further into the blogging world! I'm really looking forward to documenting my crafting adventures & I'm really hoping to meet some new people that have similar interests! I thought I would do a little survey type thing to make it easier for people to get to know me!

(I borrowed this little questioner from

1.Tell us about yourself!
My name is Stephanie but people call me Steph, Stephy & Dunbar. I’m 23 years old, I’ll be 24 next month and I’m a little worried about that! (I didn’t expect time to fly by so fast!) I live in Las Vegas, Nevada & I’m a nanny. I love spending time with my wonderful boyfriend & our awesome dog Presley. He’s pretty much the cutest thing in the world. I love creating…I love to crochet, knit, paint, draw, scrapbook, repurpose old items, sew and I love taking pictures! I don’t feel like myself unless I do something creative every day. I’m also really into music & tattoos. My boyfriend is the bass player in an amazing band & I love going to their shows. They are one of my all time favorite bands ever! I’m also currently working on finishing my left ¼ sleeve which is an art theme…I have maybe 3-4 more sessions & it will be done!

2.What kind of crafts (or other hobbies) are you into right now?
I’m really into crocheting right now; I’m just now getting to know knitting but so far so good! I’ve always loved painting so I’m getting back into that (I missed it so much)! I also just got a new purple sewing machine from my awesome boyfriend for Christmas, so I’m really focused on learning how to use it like a pro!

3.What are some of your current obsessions?
Well, I’m super obsessed with crocheting…It’s so addicting! I’m also really into painting again, which is exciting. I’m obsessed with getting my tattoos on my arm finished! I can’t wait to see the finished product! And I’m a little too obsessed with getting my house 100% organized & perfect.

4.What is one of your crafty goals (or other goals) for 2010?
Well I really want to learn everything there is to know (with-in reason) about sewing with my new sewing machine! I have so many ideas floating around in my head & I really want to put them to use! I also want to keep going further & further with my painting & crocheting/knitting. I’m also really getting into creating an Etsy store. I’ve been thinking about it for a while now & I feel like now would be the time! I’m still really worried about people not liking the things that I make, but I think I need to at least try it! So to make a long answer short: I want to be the most creative person I can be in 2010!

5.What makes your blog special and why should we read it?
Well, I think that my blog is going to represent me to the fullest! I’m really looking forward to blogging about my life. I want to make this blog something that I can look back on and be so proud and so happy that I documented my life so well! I’m also really hoping/looking forward to meeting some awesome blog friends that have similar interests in the creative/blogging world! In the future I really want to be able to have some awesome features & giveaways! Who doesn’t love a giveaway?! I know I love them, so I’m really looking forward to being able to do that for other people! Maybe I can do my first giveaway when I get to 25 followers?

6.Name your 5 favorite blogs!
Well, naming only 5 is hard…So I’ll just pick 5 at random!